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Movement Fund: Budget Guidance

Supporting Movement Fund applicants

Updated over a week ago

When applying to Sport England's Movement Fund, it's important to make sure your budget is submitted correctly. In this article, we've elaborated on each question and provided a template to help you.

Application questions

Total cost

The total cost should be the overall cost it takes to deliver your project. This will include

the amount you're requesting from Sport England, the amount you plan to raise from the crowd and any other funding streams.

How much are you requesting from Sport England?

This is the amount of funding you are applying for from Sport England. Remember, this funding goes towards your crowdfunding campaign target along with donations from the crowd, meaning your target must be no less than double this amount.

What is your crowdfunding campaign target?

This should be the same as the target you set when setting up your crowdfunding campaign. This will include extra funding.

Where will the funding you still need come from?

If your total project costs are more than your crowdfunding campaign target (Sport England funding + Crowd), this is where you need to explain where this funding will come from.

Example scenario:

My organisation needs £50,000 to deliver the project. I've secured a grant from my local council for £30,000. I need to raise £20,000 through crowdfunding.

  • Total Cost?


  • How much are you requesting from Sport England?
    (plus £10,000 from the crowd = £20,000 campaign target)

  • Where will the funding you still need come from?

    £30,000 from local council.

In this scenario, my crowdfunding campaign target would be £20,000

Project budget breakdown

You have the opportunity to attach a detailed project budget breakdown to your application. While this is not a requirement, it can be very useful in supporting your application.

Remember, you can set a stretch target to continue to raise money from the Crowd beyond your initial campaign target*

You can find out more about setting a “Stretch target” here: How do I set a stretch target?

*stretch target amounts will not be matched as part of the Sport England Movement Fund

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