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Sport England's Movement Fund: How do I get the funds when the campaign ends?
Sport England's Movement Fund: How do I get the funds when the campaign ends?

Receiving +Extra funding from Sport England's Movement Fund

Updated over a week ago

Once your crowdfunding campaign has closed successfully, meeting all the fund

requirements, you’ll be ready to receive your funding.

The crowd pledges and Sport England funding will be transferred to you in two separate


Crowdfunder will transfer the crowd pledges into your bank account within 7 working

days after the project has closed.

Sport England will transfer the Movement Fund pledge into your bank account within 28 working days of your project closing.

For any queries relating to Movement Fund payments, please email [email protected] and quote your Unique Reference Number (URN) provided by Sport England on your conditional award email.


What if I have received funding from another +Extra funding partner too?

If you have secured +Extra funding from more than one of our partners, you’ll likely need to create a MangoPay wallet in order to receive the funding from our other partner(s). See our guide to setting up your MangoPay wallet here.

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