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Sport Northern Ireland Wallet Document Guidance

How to set up your wallet if you have received Sport NI funding

Updated over 2 years ago

If you are a Sports Club in Northern Ireland and have received Sport NI funding you may be unsure how to set up your funding wallet. Most clubs are constituted organisations and should follow this guide.

However, as a club in Northern Ireland, you may have two working names for your organisation (Irish and English). This can cause problems when it comes to document verification as the name on the documents MUST match the one you have entered in your wallet.

Please ensure you enter the organisation name in the wallet that your bank account is registered in and that appears on your bank statement.

If your constitution/governing document is not in the same name as the bank account then you will need to add the translated name to your constitution document before uploading it.

All documents need to contain the name that is in the wallet to be verified and the wallet must be set up in the same name as the bank account.

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