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WALLET: Registered Charities without Companies House registration
WALLET: Registered Charities without Companies House registration

How to set up your extra funding wallet as a registered charity

Updated over a year ago

When you log into your project dashboard, you will see the following notification.

Click on complete setup to begin.

Take care to answer the questions correctly to make sure you get the right wallet setup.

Complete your organisation details.

Registered Address: Please fill out your organisation's registered address.

Legal representative

Your legal representative should be a trustee. You will need to upload their ID later in the setup process. The name, DOB and address details must therefore exactly match their ID – for example, if their legal first name is Robert, don't enter Rob.

Upload required documents.

ALL of the following documents must:

  • Include all pages

  • Include a signature, with a printed name, your role in the organisation and the date. (Governing doc/AGM minutes)

  • Be saved as .pdf, .jpeg, .jpg, .gif or .png

ID document: Upload the ID of the legal representative you listed above. Make sure the .pdf image is clear, in date and shows all corners and edges of the ID. If you experience problems, please see our troubleshooting guide.

The maximum size of your uploaded is 7MB so you may need to reduce your file size if your current file exceeds this. You can use this free compress tool if your files are too big to upload

Proof of registration: You need to upload your official registration certificate if you are registered with the Charity Commission. You can get a downloadable copy of your certificate here.

N.B. If you are a Scottish or Northern Irish charity registered with OSCR or Charity Commission for NI then you can upload your charity overview saved as a pdf.

Governing document: Your governing document is the document that outlines the purpose of the organisation and the responsibilities of its members. This document would have been registered with the Charity Commission when the organisation was established. For some organisations, it is their Constitution, which is a set of fundamental principles that states how your organisation will be structured.

Please ensure the following organisation documents are signed and dated. If not, please sign and date them yourself, stating your role in the organisation and that it is the current governing document.

Legal Representative: If your legal representative is not mentioned by name in the governing document, we will ask for proof that this person is linked to the organisation. You will therefore need to upload an additional document — such as a list of trustees from the Charity Commission or AGM minutes with a list of members and roles in the charity — that mention the person by name.

If you need to change the name of your legal representative after you've uploaded your organisation documents, please note that this will reset your whole wallet.

If you are registered with the Charity Commission, please upload a PDF of your list of trustees which can be captured from your Charity Commission page (see example below) or if you do not have a published list of trustees, please upload AGM minutes or similar that list your Charity's trustees by name and role in the organisation.

Organisation Wallet Document Guide

Complete your bank account details.

Once your organisation or charity documents have been verified, you will be able to complete the financial section of your wallet. When you log into your dashboard, you'll see the following notification again.

Click on complete setup to continue.

When completing this section, please note that the account must be in the organisation's name (not an individual’s name). This must EXACTLY match the organisation name set up above. Please also use the same address that is on your bank statement (even if this is not the postal address of your organisation).

Upload your bank statement.

This must EXACTLY match the organisation bank account details submitted above. It must also include the following information in order to be accepted:

  1. Bank logo

  2. Organisation name

  3. Account holder address address - This could mean you will need to enter the treasurer or your accountant's address rather than the organisation address.

  4. Account number and sort code

  5. Statement date (within the last 6 months)

We cannot accept Excel downloads, .xlsx copies or screenshots of your statement. It must be a PDF or a scan or photo of a statement.

Here’s an example of what we need to see:

Check your extra funding wallet after 72 hours to see if your documents have been verified or if you need to resubmit them. In the case where verification fails, you will see the following notification in the extra funding section of your dashboard. You will also be notified by email that you need to resubmit one or more of your documents.

How long do I have to set up my wallet?

You have 3 months from the date your project closes to set up your wallet.

Please message us if you need further assistance.

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