If you are having trouble entering your postcode when starting a project there are a few reasons this could be happening.
Please select an answer below if it applies to you:
My postcode is not in Mainland UK.
My postcode is not in Mainland UK.
To run a project on Crowdfunder UK, you must provide details of a UK bank account registered to a UK Mainland address to set your project live on the site. If you do not have a UK bank account or if your bank account is based in a British Crown Dependency (Jersey, Guernsey or Isle of Man) or a British Overseas Territory such as the British Virgin Islands, unfortunately, you will not be able to Crowdfund with us at the moment due to restrictions with our payment provider.
My house is a new build.
My house is a new build.
Our system uses Google Maps to identify locations from the postcode field, so if your postcode is newly registered, it may be unrecognised. Please contact support for further assistance and provide your postcode in the message.
I have entered spaces in the postcode field.
I have entered spaces in the postcode field.
If there is a space before or after the postcode in the entry field this can cause issues. Please try entering your postcode again ensuring there are no spaces- just letters and numbers. If it still does not work, please contact support for further assistance and provide your postcode in the message.
None of these apply.
None of these apply.
Please contact support for further assistance and provide your postcode in the message.
The location on your project is populated by Google Maps from the postcode or location you have entered. Unfortunately, how the location is displayed is out of our control so you may need to alter what you enter in the location field if you wish to change the displayed location.